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International Marketing Assignment Task 1

At present, globalization has evolved the way we perceive our daily life. Businesses are no longer confined within geographical and political boundaries. While some businesses seek growth domestically, there are also greater opportunities for businesses to seek growth in the global market (Waters, 2017). The global market is a wide marketplace where diverse buyers and suppliers come together to build business relationships of exchanging goods and services. Businesses like Amazon, Alibaba have built their empire solely by building a unique network that connects various people to satisfy their needs and wants. In this report, we will discuss the processes and methods adopted by Sainsbury’s, the second-largest supermarket chain in the UK to enter into international markets and ensure success.
The scopes and key concepts of International Marketing
International Marketing has developed how organizations operate and function. International Marketing is the result of globalization that helps to bring the world closer and build networks that help smooth the exchange of needs and interests. Sainsbury’s is quite possibly the best neighbourhood organization in the UK. Sainsbury’s has achieved extraordinary achievements in the UK and now it’s intending to extend its business borders past the UK boundary.
The scope of International Marketing
International Marketing is the process of businesses discovering new sets of opportunities and hopes.
Export- exporting is the process of showcasing local products to foreign countries. Sainsbury’s can adopt exporting of their products and as a result, discover newer markets that portray the demand of the products (Geetanjali., 2016).
Imports- International Marketing also permits a business to bring in items from various nations and offer them to an alternate target market. Sainsbury’s offers numerous items from various nations by importing to serve customers with various demands and preferences.
The joint-venture- International Marketing allows businesses to form alliances and conduct joint businesses, they are known as joint-ventures. Establishing joint ventures are great opportunities for business growth in an international market which Sainsbury’s can consider.
Fully Owned Manufacturing- this is an extensive business growth process, that allows businesses to purchase land or factory in a new country and conduct their activities independently. This scope of International Marketing is one challenging approach that Sainsbury’s can consider if they plan expansion in a new country (Geetanjali., 2016).
Key concepts of International Marketing
Actual Market
The target market that uses the products and services offered by the business is known as the actual market. An actual market can also refer to a market that is bounded by geological boundaries.
Available Market
The available market refers to the customers who contain the potential to purchase and use the products and services of the business but are not expected to make a purchase (Blythe, 2016).
Building Contracts
Creating contracts refers to a business establishing a contractual relationship with a free organization to manufacture their products under mutually established contractual terms and conditions.

key concept of international marketing

Fig: Key concepts of International Marketing (Blythe, 2016).

This depicts the advantages received from a deal reducing the expense related to making the sale.
The term countertrade refers to the exchange of products and services to earn foreign exchange.
Direct Costs
The expenses incurred in business that directly influence the business financial statements are known as a direct cost. The Direct Costs can be related to fixed expenses of products or services utilized in business tasks (Blythe, 2016).
The reasons for an organization to market internationally and adopt various routes to market
Organizations regularly need to update their business strategies and procedures to fulfil the increasing needs of customers as technology advances. Blockbuster was probably the biggest supplier of films and video game rental services (Brennan, Canning and McDowell, 2013). The business plunged as they couldn’t adjust to the developing interest for Netflix and streaming services.
Diversification is the process of expanding a business monetary dependability from a single business sector (Knecht, 2014). Sainsbury’s is the second-biggest grocery chain in the UK. Sainsbury’s houses more than 1,428 shops around the UK, which indicates that Sainsbury’s is solely dependent on the UK market for earning their revenue. Expanding beyond the parameters of the UK will introduce diversification to them.
Innovation and invention
Innovation has changed the manner businesses sought to the customers, communicated business promotions, and earned revenue. At present businesses can earn revenue by hosting advertisements and featuring different brands and products on their website. Sainsbury’s can adopt or develop unique innovative measures that will help them reach a new target market and earn extended revenue.
Pop-up stores
Pop-up stores are the latest trending marketing approach that helps attract customers to a temporary location for a short period. The pop-up stores use premium locations such as vacant retail premises or high engagement public locations aiming to attract customers attention by promoting special events or discounts (Knecht, 2014). It has been proven to be a very effective promotional approach for businesses to communicate and seek out a new target market. It is generally an easy and less risky method that Sainsbury’s can consider to familiarize the brand with a new target market at a new market zone.

Adidas store in Amsterdam international marketing

Fig: Adidas store in Amsterdam (Knecht, 2014).

The most traditional marketing approach includes sales agents. Sales agents are hired specialists who communicate with customers with their creative methods to build business relationships. Utilizing sales agents can be an effective market expansion approach by Sainsbury’s. This approach is also a less risky approach that can also help the marketing team get insights into the perspective of the available market.
Sponsoring is an innovative and direct approach to move toward the available markets. It permits customers to learn about the organizations and vice versa. Sainsbury’s considering an expansion to a foreign market can begin by sponsoring events and shows that help grab customer attention. Red bull sponsors various sports events that help them grab the attention of the younger generation and communicate their product as a sports drink (Schevernels, 2013).
The opportunities and challenges of International Marketing.

The key criteria and selection process a company should use to consider to enter the international market.

Market entry strategies with advantages and disadvantages
Market evaluation criteria, entry strategies and recommendations

Task 2

The overview of key arguments in the global vs local marketing debate.

The marketing mix elements on a variety of international markets.

The reasons for an organisation to adopt a global or local approach

The process of adapting the marketing mix of an organisation in different international markets.

The various international marketing approaches organisations can adopt.

Comparing different orientations and methods to assess competitors advantage

Recommendations on how an organisation should operate in an international context.

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