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Wider Professional Practices in Education and Training Assignment Sample for Diploma in Education and Training (DET). This assignment  will discuss the various aspect of the Wider Professional Practices in Education and Training.

Assignment Sample of Wider Professional Practices in Education and Training

Table of Contents


Education and training are important for the development of the students. The students must be allowed to receive proper education and training. Educational institutions play a vital role in the development of the students. 

1.1 Define the concept of professionalism and dual professionalism in education and training


Professionalism is a broad concept that is important in the context of education and training. Professionalism means behaving in a specific way in which is appropriate or necessary for a specific role. People have to perform various tasks outside their personal life where there is the necessity of acting in a specific manner that aid in the completion of that task (Frank, 2017). Professionalism is necessary, especially in the workplace where there are duties that an individual has to perform.

Dual professionalism: 

Dual professionalism in education allows teachers to teach the students in such a manner that the students are not just taught the lessons in the classroom, the students are also trained in order to get the best result from the lessons from the teacher. Dual professionalism is the accumulation of three components, the contribution of time in a specialized field, professional norm and specialization in teaching.


1.2 Explain ways in which own professional values influence own practice in an area of specialism

Professional values are important factors that describe the ability of a person to perform in the workplace. The teachers need to possess a set of professional values that will allow them to better operate in the workplace. Teachers need to apply the values in the practices of the teaching process. The values of a teacher guide them to achieve a specific result. When the teachers have good values, it benefits the students and the capability of the students. 

2.1 Explain ways in which social, political and economic factors influence education policy

There are many factors present in the real world that impact the education policies of a country. The education policy is important for both teachers and students. Students depend on the policy that the educational institutions follow. The teachers are also bound by the same policy that is constructed keeping in mind the benefit of the education system. The influence of social, political and economic factors on the education policy has been discussed below:

  • Influence of social factors
  • Influence of political factors
  • Influence of economic factors


2.2 Analyse the impact of current educational policies on curriculum and practice in own area of specialism

Education is a must for the development of a nation. Educational policies are necessary guidelines for the institutions and the teachers to follow. The future of the students also depends on how well integrated the educational policies are. Students are the future of the state and the educational policies must be developed in such a manner that the practices in the institutions can benefit the students.

The current educational policies allow the students a range of different benefits. The students and the teachers need to adopt the different policies to make sure that the proper educational goals are achieved. The impact of current educational policies has been discussed below:

3.1 Explain the roles of stakeholders and external bodies in education and training

The education and training sector is important for the future of the UK. there are many world-class institutions in the UK. people from other countries are attracted to these educational institutions. There are some stakeholders and external bodies that need to play their role in order to keep the education and training sector flourishing. The stakeholders and the external bodies of education and training have been presented below:

  • Administrators
  • Teachers
  • Staff members
  • Students
  • Parents
  • Families
  • Community members
  • Employers and business leaders
  • Government officials


3.2 Explain how being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies impacts organisations in education and training

Accountability is an important factor for the development o the educational sector. The stakeholders and external bodies of education have been presented above. The educational organizations must be accountable to the above-mentioned stakeholders. Accountability ensures the quality of tasks. Educational institutions are important for the development of the mind of the students and the future of the country. Educational institutions follow specific rules of operations and operate within the government policies. The role of educational institutions is to properly train and develop the students. The students participate in the lessons provided by the lecturers and teachers. Institutions must ensure that the students are going to be provided with the best education by teachers and lecturers. There are many institutions that do not necessarily deliver on the promise. And accountability to the stakeholders and external bodies are important for this reason.

3.3 Explain why it is important to work in partnership with employers and other stakeholders in education and training

The main purpose of the education sector is to build up the young minds for the society and country. Educational institutions teach and train the students to prepare them for the future. Students finish their educational pursuits and join the community to serve the economy. The economy is dependent on various business organizations operating in different levels and categories. These business organizations depend on educated and trained individuals that offer them better services.

3.4 Analyse the impact of being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies on curriculum design, delivery and assessment in own area of specialism

Accountability is important in the field of education. The previous discussion shows the importance of accountability among the different stakeholders. Educational institutions need to follow curriculum designs that are tailored to train and develop the students. The curriculum design will allow the students to learn and gain knowledge in a systematic way. Curriculums are important for increasing the efficiency of the education process. Curriculums are followed so that the students can better comprehend the education process and the teachers can systematically develop the knowledge of the students.

4.1 Explain key aspects of policies, codes of practice and guidelines of an organisation

There are mentionable key aspects of an organization. Educational organizations have different aspects of policies codes of practice and guidelines. These have been explained below:

  • Equal opportunity
  • Institutional health and safety condition
  • Code of conduct
  • Attendance and time-off
  • Employee disciplinary action
  • Complaint policies
  • Ethics policy
  • Work schedule and rest period policies

4.2 Analyse the impact of organizational requirements and expectations on curriculum practice in own area of specialism

Educational institutions have specific requirements for both the teachers and the students. Teachers need to present effective lessons to the students. The curriculum is set beforehand and it is the duty of the teacher to develop an efficient lesson plan which will allow the students to comprehend the discipline. The curriculum practice is an important aspect of the education process for both the students and the teachers. The teachers are expected to properly develop a course of lessons that will benefit the students and allow the teachers to finish the curriculum.

5.1 Analyse the quality improvement and quality assurance arrangements of own organisation 

Quality improvement

Quality improvement is an important task that allows organizations to increase performance. The quality improvement plan within educational institutions is important. It allows the institution to make the services better for the students.

Quality assurance

It is not enough just to increase the quality. The institution must make sure that the quality of education will maintain the same throughout the process. The administration must follow protocol to make sure that the quality remains constant after the improvement is done. Quality management allows business organizations to reach their goal.


5.2 Explain the function of self-assessment and self-evaluation and the quality cycle 

The quality cycle is important for the improvement of the quality within the organization. The assessment of quality helps educational institutions to maintain the balance in the domain of studies. Organization of the lessons and studies, monitoring the activities in the institution, implementation of values and other necessary tasks ensure the quality of education.

5.3 Evaluate a learning programme taking account of the quality maintenance of own organization

The maintenance of quality is important for long-term organizational development. Educational institutions in the UK are important for the development of both the economy and the future of the nation’s structure. Learning programs allow the students to get a better grasp of the discipline. Students need the best possible programs to further develop themselves.

5.4 Identify areas for improvement in the learning programme taking account of the outcomes of the evaluation

The learning programmes in the UK are developed to provide the best learning experience to the students. The following areas can be improved to ensure that the students get the best out of the learning programmes.

  • Overcrowding is a problem for the teachers and the students. 
  • Funding is a big issue for the learning programmes.
  • Teachers are the key success factor for the learning programmes. 
  • Digital technologies must be used to improve the experience of the learners. 
  • There are different categories of students participating in the learning programmes. 
  • Cooperative learning is important for the teachers and the students. 
  • Communication is important for the success of the learning programmes.
  • Creating an environment that is welcoming to the learners is important. 


The report on Wider Professional Practices in Education and Training presented above allows the reader to understand various facts and elements about the training programmes and the trainers. Analysis of the impact of current educational policies on curriculum and practice has been presented. Accountability to the stakeholders and external bodies of education has been discussed in the report. The reader can understand different aspects of the Wider Professional Practices in Education and Training through the study of this report.

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