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SWOT Analysis of Cobbs Farm helps the students to get a deep knowledge about Cobss Farms and their business.  Cobbs Farm was founded in 2007 in Hungerford, UK. Their aim is to supply quality food with provenance to customers. The swot analysis of Cobss Farm discussed below:

SWOT Analysis of Cobbs Farm

Strength: The business method is Cobbs Farm Co’s biggest strength as the business process is unique and serves something completely different from the other community. Cobbs Farm Co has high power availability, and cropping intensity. The company has a good liaison with farming machinery manufacturers and farmer is eager to adopt all the possible latest trends of farming for the best irrigation facility.

Weakness: Cobbs Farm Co is facing major issues for the degradation of natural resources, lack of quality control equipment, and lack of mechanization. People are being aware gradually and the lack of product knowledge among the labors can turn away a lot of customers. The lack of market cooperation and distribution channels is also stressing the company.

Opportunities: The increasing demand for technologically advanced farms is increasing. The demand for food never decreases but in case increases. People even import foods for fulfilling demand shortages (David and David, 2019). The government is also liberal in policies towards farms like Cobbs Farm Co. The farm can bring in scientists, engineers, and advanced farmers to their eco-friendly environment to upgrade farming opportunities. 

Threats: Cobbs farm Co may face threats from being exposed to farm machines. This may degrade the quality of natural tastes. The farm should change or work on the poor-quality farming machines since they can cause major accidents and is difficult for farming methods. Cobbs Farm Co needs to increase the number of laborers on its farm to bring in more efficiency. The demand for skilled labor is everywhere and thus difficult to find the right one within the company’s budget. Cobbs Farm Co is also in major threat towards climate change and agricultural sustainability.

The feasibility of Cobbs Farm Co’s potential ideas to bring revenue for the farm can be determined by SWOT analysis which identifies the gaps and highlights possible solutions by identifying the existing problem.