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SWOT Analysis of Tesla Motors will helps the students to understand the internal strength weakness and external opportunities and threats of Tesla Motors.

Strength: Without having strength business organizations cannot make a strong position in the market and every business organization is careful about this factor. Tesla is concerned about high product differentiation and because of that, the organization is trying to give its best. The marketing policies of the organization are also good and because of that attracting more customers is also easy for the organization.

Weakness: Tesla collects batteries from a single source and which can create a problem all of a sudden. The organization needs to be more concerned about this factor and have to take all the effective steps. The experience in the new product is limited and which is creating the problem in the industry. The profitability is little by comparing other organizations and which needs to be increased to sustain in the market for a long period.

Opportunity: The organization can attract more customers by focusing on the marketing strategy. They have to invest a sufficient amount of money to develop the vehicles and to let the customer know about the quality of the product and only through this will show attractiveness to buy the cars. Have to analyze the market and which kinds of products the customer wants to buy and according to this have to provide the product to the customer. 

Threat: The supplier is limited and which is needed to increase otherwise the organization will not be able to source material from different sources. The foreign currency exchange rate does also not always remain the same and which is also creating problems to do the business effectively in the market. There is already huge competition in the market and because of that, the organization has to make different strategies to sustain in the market for a long period.

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