Do you want to know how to write a SOP for UK Facing a visa refusal for your UK visit can be disheartening, but it’s not the end of the road. Crafting an effective Statement of Purpose (SOP) is your key to increasing your chances of securing that coveted UK visit visa. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the process of writing a winning SOP for your UK visit visa application after facing a refusal. We’ll break down the key components, provide tips, and offer insights to help you create a compelling SOP that addresses any concerns raised during your previous application. So, let’s get started on the journey to turn a setback into a success and fulfill your dream of visiting the UK.
Example of How to write SOP for UK Visit Visa
The Visa Officer
British High Commission
Sub: Application in response to visitor visa refused on 22/08/2022
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please allow me to introduce myself as Raihan Ahmed, a citizen of Bangladesh and a resident of Bangladesh. I have been living in Bangladesh for seven years now and have been serving the Human Resource and Administration Department of a Bangladeshi Company (replace with the actual company name) in the capacity of an Assistant Manager. In accordance with the labor laws of Bangladesh, all employees are entitled to one month of paid leave annually. I had saved my annual leave to this day and I am now looking forward to availing it by visiting my dear wife who is currently in the United Kingdom on a study visa. My wife, Shamina Chowdhury, is currently enrolled in a two-year MBA program at a British University (replace with the actual university name), which is set for completion in 2023. She left for the UK in <month, year> and I miss her terribly. I want to visit her and spend some quality time with her. However, as I applied for a visitor visa, my application was refused on the following ground:
I am not satisfied that you will leave the United Kingdom at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, as stipulated in paragraph V 4.2(e) of the Immigration Rules, based on your family ties in the United Kingdom and in your country of residence.
I assure you that I am a genuine temporary entrant, wanting to go to the United Kingdom to visit my wife.Being a Human Resource professional, I am responsible for a host of tasks such as recruitment and training, payroll management, policy development, grievance resolution, and resource management. At this time of the year, the period from mid-October to November is an ideal window for me to spend time with my wife; as after that, I will be engaged in winding up all the year-end activities and will be entitled to the next month-long leave only after April 2022. Therefore, this is the perfect opportunity for me to be with her. My current employer has approved my leave and will be expecting me to resume work from November 16 onwards. Therefore, I do not plan to stay beyond the authorized period, i.e. October 15 – November 14, 2021 and will be returning to Bangladesh, my country of residence.
Family ties in the United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, my wife is my only tie. I do not have any friends or relatives residing in the United Kingdom, and hence I will be staying with Shamina at her residence: . If given the chance to travel to the United Kingdom, I want to be with my wife and explore nearby attractions with her. London, England, is a popular tourist spot and is known to house some of the most iconic places such as Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, and the Tower of London. I plan to take a tour of this beautiful city and spend quality time with Meenakshi. Seeing her after a long time will be therapeutic for me as I have been missing her.
Incentives to return to Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, Shamina and I have been flourishing professionally. While Shamina has had six years’ worth of work experience in the hotel management industry, I have been working in the country for seven years and have been promoted four times throughout my trajectory at my current company. Both of us have been doing well on a professional front and have had stable jobs. Upon the completion of her MBA program, Shamina will be returning to Bangladesh and will be applying for jobs in our country of residence. Neither Shamina nor I have plans to settle in the United Kingdom as I will be returning on 15th November 2021 and my wife will be returning in 2023 soon after completing her graduate studies.
In the long run, we plan to settle permanently in Bangladesh, our homeland. In Bangladesh, we have immovable properties that need to be taken care of, and we also have strong ties to our family. My mother lives in Bangladesh and though she comes to visit us in Dhaka, she is on her own and also has emotional and medical needs. Since there is no one to take care of her, it is my responsibility to extend her the support that she needs. Therefore, we will be returning to Bangladesh ultimately.
Financial status
As I put forth my request to visit Shamina in the United Kingdom, I assure you that I am financially sound and will be managing my own expenses while in the United Kingdom. I have more than sufficient funds to comfortably stay in the United Kingdom and will not be a burden on my wife. I have total funds amounting to GBP 40,901.26 in the form of savings. The proof of finances has been attached alongside this application for your kind perusal.
I hereby state that I am fully aware of the United Kingdom Rules for visitors and I assure you that I will abide by those during my stay in the country. Also, I am fully vaccinated against Covid-19 and have attached my vaccination certificate for your reference. I request you kindly process my application and allow me to travel to the United Kingdom.
Raihan Ahmed