Evaly is one of the most popular e-commerce business sites in Bangladesh. They started their journey in 2018 and within one year they have managed to gain 21% Market share in 2019 (Source: Share Today). In 2019 Evaly start offering a big number of discounts and cashback offers on expensive products which no one has done before in Bangladesh, and it makes popular Evaly in a very short period of time. This article will evaluate the SWOT analysis of Evaly which includes Internal Strength and Weakness and also external Opportunities and Threats

Strength of Evaly

• Good Image of CEO: Evaly CEO Mohammad Rassel was successful in his career before he was starting Evaly. He has completed his post-graduation from IBA (Dhaka University) and started his career as Management Trainee Officer in a well renowned Private Commercial Bank in Bangladesh. After successfully working there for 6 years he started his first business Kidz Diaper and sells this business in a very profitable position. Then he came up with the idea of Evaly. Although the e-commerce business was getting popular before Evaly, Mohammad Rassell put some new ideas into it. From the very beginning, he was engaged with the customers through Facebook Live and other social media tools, which makes him very popular. Also, his previous business and job records help him to get the reliability of the audience in a very short period of time. When the CEO of any company is directly connected to his customers and responds to them, people get convinced easily, and that happens to Evaly easily. Good Image of the CEO was the biggest strength of Evaly from the beginning.
• Huge Discount: The easiest way to attract people and get their attention is by giving discounts. When it comes to 50-80% discount or more for expensive products then it’s really a big matter in a country like Bangladesh. Evaly providing a big number of discount on the expensive products like Car, Bike, Smartphone, AC, Fridge etc. from day one to get the customers attention, that helps those to stand out from the crowd in the Bangladesh e-commerce market.
• Customers Preferred products: When Evaly CEO Mohammad Rassel appeared on Facebook live, people always asking for their preferred products to bring on, that’s help Md. Rasel to understand customers need. That was one of the biggest strengths of Evaly to get connected with the audience and understand their needs directly from their mouth.
• Discount on Luxurious products: In Bangladesh people were never heard of something like that, getting a 50%-80% Discount on a 5 Lac TK Bike. This type of offer helps Evaly to grab the attention of the young generation. When they start delivering their products successfully, they were getting huge responses like before. Because their customers spreading their name by mouth marketing. Because of that Evaly get huge market coverage in a very short period of time.
• Wide Coverage: Evaly was the first Bangladeshi e-commerce site that reaches every corner of Bangladesh within a very short period of time. They start delivering to the rural areas of Bangladesh unlike other eCommerce sites in Bangladesh.

Weakness of Evaly

• Delay in Delivery: When Evaly advertising their offers they always promise to deliver within 45 days. But it really took more than that. In most of the cases, their delivery process took 3 months to 6 months to deliver. It was one of the biggest weaknesses of Evaly.
• Order Cancel: So many customers are continuously complaining about Evaly’s order cancellation process. After getting the payment they took so long and then cancel the orders, after that it took another 45-90 days to get the refund. It has been one of the most disturbing processes and loses the customer interest in Evaly.
 Losing Suppliers: After getting order and advance payment Evaly took 45- 120 days or even more to deliver the products to customers on the other hand they took another 3 to 6 months to disburse the suppliers’ payment. For this reason, the supplier’s also losing interest in Evaly and stop supplying products to Evaly.
• Losing Reputation: When Evaly continuously delaying deliveries people are raising their voices against Evaly on Social Media, and they are posting negative reviews about it on different Facebook groups. It was increasing day by day and Evaly couldn’t come up with any solution to this problem. For this reason, they start losing their reputation on Social Media and creates a huge impact on their business, moreover, Negative review also got the government attention in 2020 and it became the hot topic of Bangladesh.

Opportunities of Evaly

• Getting Foreign Investment: As Evaly created a huge customer base (44,85,234 more) there is a great opportunity to get investment from the foreign investor. 4 million is a big number and it will easily attract foreign investors to invest in Evaly.
• Gaining the top position: Currently Daraz is the biggest competitor of Evaly in the E-commerce sector of Bangladesh. But the way Evaly getting popularity if they can provide services as they promised their customers they will easily become the top e-commerce site in Bangladesh within a very short period of time.

Threats of Evaly

• Fraud in the Market: There are so many businesses that have been started by following the Evaly business model. They already got a tag “Evaly type Business” with their name. Most of them don’t have any strong background and are not established as well. So if they start fraudulent activities with the customers it will be a huge threat for Evaly as they have an “ Evaly type Business “ tag.
• Negative Customer experience: Currently a big number of customers are complaining about Evaly that, they are not delivering their products on time as they have promised before taking orders also their customer care service is not responding properly. That’s why customers are having negative experiences every day and its upsurge every day, moreover, they also sharing their negative experiences on social media which creates an impact on Evaly’s Busines

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